Friday, December 11, 2009

Seam contextual events

Found nice link related to Seam framework contextual events, here is list:

Seam defines a number of built-in events that the application can use to perform special kinds of framework integration. The events are:

org.jboss.seam.validationFailed — called when JSF validation fails
org.jboss.seam.noConversation — called when there is no long running conversation and a long running conversation is required
org.jboss.seam.preSetVariable.<name> — called when the context variable <name> is set
org.jboss.seam.postSetVariable.<name> — called when the context variable <name> is set
org.jboss.seam.preRemoveVariable.<name> — called when the context variable <name> is unset
org.jboss.seam.postRemoveVariable.<name> — called when the context variable <name> is unset
org.jboss.seam.preDestroyContext.<SCOPE> — called before the <SCOPE> context is destroyed
org.jboss.seam.postDestroyContext.<SCOPE> — called after the <SCOPE> context is destroyed
org.jboss.seam.beginConversation — called whenever a long-running conversation begins
org.jboss.seam.endConversation — called whenever a long-running conversation ends
org.jboss.seam.beginPageflow.<name> — called when the pageflow <name> begins
org.jboss.seam.endPageflow.<name> — called when the pageflow <name> ends
org.jboss.seam.createProcess.<name> — called when the process <name> is created
org.jboss.seam.endProcess.<name> — called when the process <name> ends
org.jboss.seam.initProcess.<name> — called when the process <name> is associated with the conversation
org.jboss.seam.initTask.<name> — called when the task <name> is associated with the conversation
org.jboss.seam.startTask.<name> — called when the task <name> is started
org.jboss.seam.endTask.<name> — called when the task <name> is ended
org.jboss.seam.postCreate.<name> — called when the component <name> is created
org.jboss.seam.preDestroy.<name> — called when the component <name> is destroyed
org.jboss.seam.beforePhase — called before the start of a JSF phase
org.jboss.seam.afterPhase — called after the end of a JSF phase
org.jboss.seam.postAuthenticate.<name> — called after a user is authenticated
org.jboss.seam.preAuthenticate.<name> — called before attempting to authenticate a user
org.jboss.seam.notLoggedIn — called there is no authenticated user and authentication is required
org.jboss.seam.rememberMe — occurs when Seam security detects the username in a cookie

Seam components may observe any of these events in just the same way they observe any other component-driven events.

And original link:

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